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Easy Ways to Generate Ideas for Your Next Hub

Updated on April 18, 2013

Let's Generate Some Ideas!

That page will not be blank for long!
That page will not be blank for long! | Source

What to Write Next?

You remember when you hit the publish button on your last hub and breathed a sigh of relief. Whew, another one finished and added to your HubPages profile! Now, a few days later, you need to create fresh content.

Not sure what to write about today? Here are easy ways to generate ideas for your next hub.

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Social Outings

At first glance, social outings may seem counter-productive to creating your next hub. When you want to generate new ideas, however, interacting with people outside of your computer and social media network is useful on many levels.

A writer who continually produces fresh content takes breaks from the computer to interact with the outside world. Plan to meet a friend for coffee, head to a family BBQ, or go out to the movie theatre with your partner.

Here are a few scenarios that can occur while you are on a social outing:

  • Your friend discusses a fashion trend that you had not heard of before today. You plan to write your next hub about the designer who started the trend. Wow, good thing you decided to meet for coffee!
  • You learn about a hot-button news issue from the newspaper lying around at your parents' house. Good think you got out of the house; here is the subject of your next hub.
  • While driving to your dinner date, you hear a new song on the radio from Rihanna. You realize your next write will be about her last three hit singles. The idea is born!

You generate ideas for your next hub by interacting with the changing world around you. Write about what is current and learn about it through your social outings.

Work Outs: Great for Your Mind

Exercise leads to new ideas!
Exercise leads to new ideas! | Source


Another great way to generate ideas for what to write about next is by exercising. Not only are you staying healthy by lowering your blood pressure and keeping your heart healthy, but exercise is also good for your mind.

When you break away from your computer, you allow your mind to relax. Your mind can begin to think in new ways as you exercise. When you switch up your environment, as you do when you exercise, your mind becomes interested in the new situation and revitalises itself. You will then return to HubPages feeling energized in mind, body, and spirit.

You will also likely generate ideas for your next written piece while you exercise. As you power walk outside, you may look at the nature around you and marvel at its beauty. Look at the Douglas Firs around you; those magnificent trees would make a great subject for your next published work at HubPages.

Here are other ways to use exercise to generate ideas:

  • As you work out, think about your movements. Could you write a step-by-step guide of your current workout to help other people stay in shape too?
  • Analyze your environment. What objects are at the gym and how do these items help people work out effectively? Could you write a hub about a specific piece of gym equipment?

Read Work of Other Hubbers

While the previous methods do not involve computers, the next approach relies on both the computer and HubPages itself. You can find inspiration right here on HubPages! Peruse the website and read work of other hubbers as a way to get new ideas.

No, you are not copying what you read online. Instead, read the works with an open mind; simply read what other people have published. You may find that a certain sentence or subject matter evokes a memory or leads you to a question not answered by the writer. You may have an "aha" moment and you are off, typing a new hub as quickly as your fingers can move across the keyboard.

When you read the works of other writers, you also take your mind off the set task of "what to write". Your mind is not under pressure to produce a quality piece when you simply let it relax to read articles. As a bonus, your followers will love that you stopped by their hubs, so try to leave a comment if you have time!

You Will Make It Through

You make it to the other side when you hit the publish button.
You make it to the other side when you hit the publish button. | Source

Generate Quality Content

These are easy ways to generate ideas for your next hub. The best method for you may depend on the day, your mood, and other factors.

Ensure that the piece you publish is quality content in order for it to be read by more people, both within the HubPages community and out in the world of search engines. Remember that good content always rises to the top and that your new idea is worth taking a few extra minutes to proofread, prior to hitting the publish button.

I would love to hear your feedback! What methods do you use to generate ideas?


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